

How to Stay safe online

  • Internet security is at the top of everyone’s mind these days.

    That’s why we’re here to help you stay safe online with our list of top cybersecurity do’s and don’ts:

  • How does Mweb Keep you Safe?

    At Mweb, we have a number of measures in place to make sure that your personal information isn’t compromised:

    Your Mweb Online Account is secured by two-factor authentication; you will not be able to view any sensitive information, make any changes to products and settings, or complete any transactions without completing the OTP validation step.

    OTP and other appropriate security checks are also used during all interactions with our customer service representatives.

    You can boost the security on your Mweb account by adding a security product, to your account. To find out more, visit:
  • Top Security Do's and Don'ts

    • DO be on the lookout for virus and malware attacks

    • If someone sends you a link, take a second to check that it’s legitimate. Often fraudsters create links that are a variation of popular web addresses. Remember there are no typos in web addresses – if it’s a different spelling, it’s almost definitely a fake site. Similarly, when shopping online, make sure the web address starts with “HTTPS”. The ‘s’ stands for secure and means that the Connection is encrypted, so your data is safe.
    • DO pick strong passwords and change them regularly

    • Pick a strong password, and don’t use the same one across all of your online accounts. Use an offline password manager if you’re worried about forgetting them. Experts advise that you avoid making your password a single word or a variation of your name, a family name or your pet’s name. Simply replacing letters with similar numbers or special characters won’t fool a competent hacker. The longer your password is, the harder it is to crack. A nice trick is to use a sentence with special characters and capital letters thrown in. But don’t make it a well-known phrase (like a line from your favourite song or book.)
    • DO activate two-factor authentication

    • Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account beyond your username and password. This might be an SMS One Time PIN or an authenticator app such is Microsoft Authenticator and could be combined with biometrics on your phone. You should consider enabling the available two-factor authentication method for any online service you are using which supports this.
    • DON’T be careless when it comes to emails

    • Most of us are wise to the old wealthy prince phishing scams, but today’s fraudsters are getting smarter. As a general rule, if you receive an email or message that seems too good to be true, it probably is. Increasingly, cybercriminals are impersonating banks, mobile and Internet service providers, colleagues or tax consultants and requesting that you verify personal information. The purpose of these types of scams is to gain access to your accounts to carry out fraudulent transactions, or for example, with email, to monitor your communication and potentially inject fake payment requests or altered banking details into your mailbox.
    • DON’T be tricked into bypassing your two-factor authentication.

    • If someone contacts you out of the blue, claiming to be your service provider and asks you to confirm your password or PIN via telephone, text or email, it’s likely to be a scam. If this happens, always take the time to double-check. Ask for a reference number and call back on a number you know definitely belongs to that provider!
    • DON’T forget to safeguard your family

    • Comprehensive online security software will protect your and your family’s digital devices and online reputations. These solutions block dangerous content and monitor social media presence, and they include a GPS tracker, a web content blocker, as well as a screen time manager, so parents have peace of mind. Getting your children to sign a mobile device agreement is a great way to lay the foundation for responsible use and to open up conversations around online safety. Make sure your children feel comfortable coming to you if they’ve seen something online that makes them feel uncomfortable.
  • If you think you’ve clicked on a phishing link:

    • DON’T enter any data.
    • DO disconnect from the Internet.
    • DO scan your machine using antivirus/anti-malware software.
    • DO change your passwords if you think that there is any chance you have entered them on a fake site.
    • DO back up files somewhere safe.

    If you’re unsure about a link, you can use a free online link checker, which will identify any potential security risks.